Thursday, June 2, 2016

The men that burrowed that opening

history channel documentary hd In any case, that is not all. The men that burrowed that opening down to the planes were addressed and asked what number of yearly rings they saw down there. "Numerous hundreds" they said and continued to show photos of the rings. However, then one of them said something that made all the lights go ahead without a moment's delay. He said (in opposition to all transformative alleged "science" and acknowledged standards) that those are not truth be told "yearly" rings by any means. Being in the business for a lifetime as of now, he clearly knew much more about the pressing of ice than the "know all" evolutionists think they know. He knew about what the for the most part "acknowledged" situation was about - that defective situation the evolutionists utilize so cunningly to attempt and "demonstrate" their lies about what they loquaciously call "yearly" ice rings. On the off chance that anybody was slanted to sit out there in the driving rain and watch, they'd see that when the ice softens in summer, one has a layer of water which then stops as clear ice. In the winter (if that resolute "anybody" was all the while staying there) he'd see that the snow packs, and on the grounds that it doesn't get an opportunity to dissolve, it transforms into white shaded ice. This structures the dim light, dull light rings they then wrongfully call "yearly" rings.

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